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Expertise and EXPO

A number of exhibitions on Ukraine's restoration are of an expert kind. Construction projects have not yet been started at this time. Everything that was not possible was literally restored. Ukraine's "design" as a European nation has to be updated.

Expertise of construction projects related to the reconstruction of Ukraine

The phrase "restoration of Ukraine" is well-known. In actuality, this entails countless projects connected to the broadest range of activities. The process of putting into action what we refer to as the "Restoration of Ukraine" covers many years. There isn't any other choice.

This is the main reason why the expertise of construction projects is crucial. Everything involving the use of reparation funds and intended for construction must go under an in-depth audit. As Ukraine progresses toward becoming a member of the European Union, construction projects should be reviewed in accordance with European norms.


Naturally, there are a lot of questions. Ukraine already has existing standards. Existing EU standards exist. Although there might be some coincidences between them, they are not necessary. The execution of standards is the issue. The criteria are consistently followed in the EU. Punishments will be carried out if violations are found. The gap between the implementation of existing standards and their existence in Ukraine might be substantially wider. On its own.


Establishing connections amongst businesses that are somehow related to construction projects is one of the exhibitions' most crucial goals. For the nation and society, construction is essential. The formulation and settlement of issues relating to the reconstruction of Ukraine should not be dominated by construction corporations with their own corporate interests. Ukraine should develop into a European nation with a European system of construction project understanding.

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