4-5 May 2024. Riga, Latvia
The primary goal of the exhibitions in 2023 is to forge alliances between businesses and experts from Ukraine and Western nations.
We must look for collaborators.
Both ukrainian and global companies must do this.
The primary goal of the exhibitions in 2023 is to forge alliances between businesses and experts from Ukraine and Western nations. A number of memorandums of cooperation should ideally be signed after attending the expo. Under the circumstances of international collaboration, investment construction projects related to reparation money will be carried out. There isn't a shadow of a doubt in this regard. Ukrainian and Western businesses are working together on this project. Companies from Ukraine and the West have to search out partners. This is one of the possibilities for Ukraine's real integration into Europe. The Marshall Plan projects that are submitted to funding can only be supported by such international teams.
Our accomplishment (actual accomplishment) is enabling a significant number of Ukrainian companies to participate in European trade shows. Priority assignment is to have as many EXACTLY UKRAINIAN COMPANIES as possible at NEVG trade shows.
Exhibition participants
At exhibitions, there are two distinct categories of participants: Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian.
The reasons for this situation are evident. All exhibitions focus on Ukraine and how to transform it into a European nation. This is an opportunity for the expert community to implement numerous completely unique projects.
Participants from Ukraine at NEVG exhibitions
Our primary consumers are Ukrainian medium-sized businesses. Large Ukrainian construction and engineering firms will also be presented.
The issue with all of the exhibitions that have begun to be held in Europe in relation to the reconstruction of Ukraine is that Ukrainian companies are hardly ever present at them. There is going to be officials from Ukrainian organizations. There are a considerable number of Ukrainian territorial community representatives. Numerous politicians. This leads to interminable, monotonous conversations and eliminates the opportunity for business development.
There is a major inconsistency. On the western side, these exhibitions are attended primarily by construction, architectural, and engineering firms. They come to conduct business regarding the restoration of Ukraine. However, there is virtually no one with whom to conduct this kind of deal. It should be conducted with colleagues who represent Ukrainian businesses. Very few of them appear. This results in sincere disappointment and confusion. The construction project exhibition becomes a type of political assembly. Representatives of Western businesses spend money and time in an astonishingly inefficient manner. A trip to an international exhibition is always a) expensive and b) filled with expectation. The result is an odd and hazy feeling. What occurred? Why is it necessary? Why pay at least 12,000 to 17,000 euros and a week's worth of company labor? There are no stated memorandums and no way to transition to new employment contracts in Ukraine... Bad situation.
Our accomplishment (actual accomplishment) is enabling a significant number of Ukrainian companies to participate in European trade shows. Priority assignment is to have as many EXACTLY UKRAINIAN COMPANIES as possible at NEVG trade shows. There will also be representatives of various Ministries, territorial communities, and other government officials present at these exhibitions, but they are not the primary participants. The majority of NEVG exhibition attendees are Ukrainian business representatives. They attend exhibitions to spend their money and to explore new levels of performance.
One reason only made it possible to attract a significant number of Ukrainian businesses to European trade shows. NEVG consistently and on purpose subsidizes the participation of Ukrainian businesses in European trade shows. We invest in such European business trips by Ukrainian companies. We would like to see relatively small and medium-sized Ukrainian businesses at our European trade shows.
What reason explains this NEVG policy? In investment initiatives developed by NEVG experts, a particular focus is placed on Ukrainian medium-sized companies. NEVG's primary commercial interests are unrelated to exhibitions per se. We only consider them as potential solutions to a number of problems. As a consequence, a substantial amount of effort on the insertion will (at best) yield this cost coverage. However, there is a chance for a systematic discussion of investment proposals by experts in Ukraine! We depart categorically from general discussions and proceed to actual investment projects in Ukraine.
We are creating a form of authentic B2B. Business representatives from the Ukraine and the rest of the civilized world should establish connections. Reconstruction initiatives in Ukraine will not be implemented by politicians, but by a large number of businesses. It is necessary to foster the formation of such connections between Ukrainian and foreign firms. NEVG exhibitions are just one option for a business environment in which business initiatives can be developed and implemented in Ukraine.
Detailed information is accessible via
New Euro Vision: exhibitions, marketing, research S.R.O. Czech Republic
Phone: +420 775 628 307 (Vodafone) English, Ukrainian, Russian.
WhatsApp is enrolled with the phone.
We are working in the following directions:
· holding international exhibitions;
· marketing for construction projects associated with Ukraine;
· investment projects associated with the restoration of Ukraine. These are primarily construction investment initiatives for 2023 and 2024.
We have a number of representative offices in Ukraine. They are accessible in numerous Ukrainian regions and major cities. We can recommend the most convenient Ukrainian organization to contact upon written request.
Online meetings with representatives of the Czech Republic office can also be arranged in the event of queries. Use whichever version of the software is most convenient (Zoom, Meet, Team). It is possible to communicate in English.
The most convenient method of communication is via email. Write in whatever language you choose. We provide prompt and informative responses.