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Marketing in Ukraine

Marketing research in Ukraine

Usually, war is followed by devastation. Horrific destruction, really terrible. A portion of Ukraine's regions has been returned to a condition that has not existed there since the Second World War. Of course, this is the Donbass. Let's see what will be left of the Crimea.

The first objective in such a situation is to revive Ukraine's economy. Never before in Ukraine's history has marketing played such a big role as it would in the immediate post-war period. The phrase "Restoration of Ukraine" consists of just two words. They show the broad course of millions of people's activities. There must be an economic and marketing foundation for this endeavor. a 10-year plus campaign that will be connected to other lesser-scale ones.

Marketing during and after a war differs greatly. There are issues with the information. numerous fresh logistical problems. The population of a region is a very dynamic and even unpredictable characteristic. Ukrainian businessmen confront further difficulties.


Express marketing surveys may be conducted in advance of NEW EURO VISION GROUP exhibitions.


Express marketing is a unique type of marketing. Its main responsibility is to assist in the exhibition's efficient preparation. Although there's always the chance of bad luck, there are other ways to get ready for the event.

These exhibitions are unique in that they feature a wide range of businesses that ordinarily don't interact with one another. The Russian Federation's conflict against Ukraine has caused unexpected circumstances. All of us are now dealing with a challenge that was previously unsolvable.

Express marketing works incredibly well. An exhibition organizer is NEW EURO VISION GROUP. The organization is fully informed about both the exhibitors and the visitors. We don't just formally carry out the service activity of setting up the exhibition as a unified forum for communication.

Express marketing tasks are completed in 3-5 calendar days. Most frequently performed before an exhibition. You can accurately formulate the express marketing tasks using a unique form. Your participation in the exhibition will be much more successful as a result.


Send me a form for express marketing.


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